Monday, March 7, 2011

Signs of Spring

I know it's coming...we've waited so long!  Dallas has had a rough winter (as many parts of the country have) and I am finally seeing signs of Spring.

Hopefully these photos brighten your day (especially all of my 'northern' readers {Julia, Robin})!

Mimi, I know you've been having a rough week, so I took photos of all the flowers I could find and am 'sending' these to you!


  1. the blooming trees are beautiful--that is such a sign of hope! we are getting snow all this week, but i know it will melt soon :/

  2. Hope it does! I am so tired of cold weather and cannot imagine what you go through every winter. Hang on a few more weeks...

  3. Ahh! Spring! I thought it would never come!

    Thank You Melanie!
